Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Tekes is the most important publicly funded expert organisation for financing research, development and innovation in Finland. We boost wide-ranging innovation activities in research communities, industry and service sectors.
A broad-based view on innovation
Tekes promotes a broad-based view on innovation: besides funding technological breakthroughs, Tekes emphasises the significance of service-related, design, business, and social innovations.
Funding for challenging R&D and business development
Tekes works with the top innovative companies and research units in Finland. Every year, Tekes finances some 1,500 business research and development projects, and almost 600 public research projects at universities, research institutes and universities of applied sciences.
Research, development and innovation funding is targeted to projects that create in the long-term the greatest benefits for the economy and society. Tekes does not derive any financial profit from its activities, nor claim any intellectual proprietary rights.
Team Finland
Tekes is part of the Team Finland network. In the Team Finland network, Tekes offers innovation funding and services to internationalising companies, promotes the internationalisation of companies and supports efforts to attract foreign investment in Finland.
Tekes functions in close cooperation with other members of Team Finland and creates networks for Finnish companies and research organisations both in Finland and internationally.
Tekes web page: www.tekes.fi