IMWA 2017 wants to cover a large range of topics relevant for the Mine Water community. This includes site remediation, prediction and the valorisation of valuable “ingredients” of the mine water. In addition, IMWA 2017 intends to showcase the achievements of the Finnish research projects within the “Green Mining Program“ and beyond.
We divided IMWA 2017 into nine broad topics, which we consider relevant for the current mining and mine water community. We also added subjects, that IMWA conferences missed in the past years, such as “Dewatering”, where we hope to get papers about current pump technology for example.
New will be the valorisation and circular economy topics, which are relevant for many Horizon 2020 projects in the European Union.
Finally, we added “Case Studies”, where delegates can present experience or projects that don’t fall under any of the other subjects. We invite you to submit papers for a colorful 13th International Mine Water Association Congress in Finland.
1 Tekes Projects
1.1 Finnish Green Mining Programme
1.2 Arctic Environment
1.3 Finnish Mine Water Issues
1.4 Circular Economy & Valorisation
2 Regional
2.1 Green Mining Programme
2.2 German Coal Mine Flooding
2.3 Arctic Environment
2.4 Finnish Mine Water Issues
2.5 Mine Closure
2.6 Mine Flooding
3 Physical Water Management
3.1 Pit Lakes
3.2 Water Management
3.3 Hydrology & Dewatering
3.4 Mine Closure
3.5 Mine Water Accidents
3.6 Mine Water and Exploration
3.7 Mine Dumps
3.8 Mine Flooding
4 Modelling
4.1 Pit Lakes
4.2 Quality Prediction
4.3 Hydrogeology
4.4 Geochemistry
4.5 Mine Flooding
4.6 Prediction
5 Geochemistry
5.1 Pit Lakes
5.2 Quality Prediction
5.3 Metals & Semi-Metals
5.4 Sulfate
5.5 Total Dissolved Solids
5.6 Mine Flooding
5.7 Prediction
6 Valorisation
6.1 Finnish Green Mining Programme
6.2 Circular Economy & Valorisation
6.3 New Approaches
6.4 Bioleaching
7 Constituents
7.1 Aquatic Environment
7.2 Microbiology
7.3 Isotopes & Tracers
7.4 Bioleaching
8 Treatment
8.1 Aquatic Environment
8.2 New Approaches
8.3 Active Treatment
8.4 Passive Treatment
9 Case Studies
9.1 Finland
9.2 Europe
9.3 World