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We are glad to work with you this week!

Jaana Ryynänen, Amir Toghyani, Visa Valtteri Vottonen, Tamara Popovic, Mariam Abdulkareem, Daria Vylegzhanina, Mei Han, Shqipe Buzuku, Ashish Gulagi, Lwazi Shongwe, Lea Lonka
Mining and reliable mine water management are of outstanding importance for the Finnish and worldwide mining industry. IMWA 2017’s Congress theme will be “Mine Water & Circular Economy” which will be presented in 243 oral and poster presentations. Circular economy means, “closing the loop” of product life-cycles by improving recycling and re-use. In case of mine water, this means that mining wastes and mine water are used to extract valuable materials, such as metals, fertilizers or adsorbents for waste water purification. We are expecting high caliber presentations about this subject, but every mine water related theme will be covered during IMWA’s 13th congress.
Unknown to many outside Scandinavia, Finland is one of the most prominent European mining countries with commodities ranging from gold and silver to base metals and platinum group elements. Its political stability has made Finland a prominent country for exploration, with 40 to 50 projects currently under investigation. Its pristine landscape, especially in the arctic north of the country, requires a significant environmental responsibility by the mine operators and the regulators, as Finnish people expect that their watercourses and forests are protected at all costs. IMWA’s 13th Congress will also focus on the experience that mining companies and researchers as well as consultants have gained in this highly vulnerable northern environment.
During the mid-congress excursion and the post-congress excursion, you will be shown various mining and mine water projects in the southern and northern part of Finland, including the Nordkalk, Pyhäsalmi, Yara and Terrafame mines.
Lappeenranta is situated 215 km northeast of Helsinki and northwest of St. Petersburg, just 30 km from the Russian border. It is the 13th largest city in Finland and belongs to the South Karelian region, bordering the shore of Lake Saimaa. The municipality has a population of 73000 and covers an area of 1720 km² of which 290 km² is water. Rauha/Lappeenranta is well connected to Helsinki airport by road and train. (You can download the IMWA 2017 flyer here)
IMWA, Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and Tekes (The Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation) invite you to the 13th International Mine Water Association Congress in Lappeenranta, Finland. The IMWA 2017 Congress is part of the official programme for the centenary of Finland’s independence. Let’s celebrate together Finland 100!
Ystävällisin terveisin and Glückauf,
Christian Wolkersdorfer, IMWA 2017 Congress Chair
Mika Sillanpää and Antti Häkkinen, Co-Chairs